Defying the Odds with AI: How Utilizes Predictive Trading for Sports Betting

Nicholas Kuhne
2 min readJan 31, 2024
Predictive AI sports betting

In the unpredictable world of sports betting, relying on intuition or conventional wisdom often leads to more misses than hits. However, a seismic shift is occurring, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). Leading this transformative wave is, a data-centric company that’s redefining predictive sports betting by merging AI with trading principles. Here’s a glimpse into how is changing the game.

The Rise and Run of’s journey began with a personal setback. Steve Westfield, a tech enthusiast and sports aficionado, suffered a $70,000 loss to deceptive sports handicapping services. This misfortune ignited a determination to overturn the odds. Diving into the realms of coding, AI, and sports analytics, Steve developed Remy, an algorithm that evolved into a profitable sports betting tool, marking the inception of Steve’s goal? To outsmart the fraudsters with a strategy rooted in mathematics and transparency.

AI: The Game Changer

What sets apart is its use of AI to eradicate the unpredictability of human emotions. Steve explains, “Our AI removes emotional biases from predictions.” This shift to an analytics-driven approach provides a significant advantage over traditional, emotionally charged betting methods. “Our algorithm aims to precisely predict game outcomes, leveraging statistics and AI intelligence,” Steve adds.

The Market, Interests, and Future

In the ever-growing US sports betting market, with 30 to 50 million adults placing bets annually, retaining customer interest remains a challenge. Steve advises bettors to be risk-tolerant and patient, advocating for strict personal betting boundaries. isn’t just limited to one sport; it offers analytics for six different types, and Steve sees potential for applying this AI model to other areas like cryptocurrency and stock trading.

Wrapping Up stands at the intersection of sports, betting, and AI, addressing the need for a transparent, statistically driven betting strategy in a market riddled with misinformation and dubious practices.

As AI evolves, it’s not just about improving betting odds; it’s about understanding its vast potential across various industries. symbolizes more than just betting — it represents a paradigm shift in human behavior through the strategic use of technology.

In the grand scheme,’s contribution might be a small step for betting, but it’s a giant leap for the application of AI in uncharted territories.

To find out more take a look at

For an interview with Leans founder Steve Westfield, take a gander at the spotify interview.



Nicholas Kuhne

Founder of Wunderbrand, digital marketing lecturer - Oslo